Friday, August 5, 2011

Status report

Hi! Seems 2011 will be the least productive year of my blogging. There have been many factors affecting this: moving out from a flat, staying at a friends for a month, moving into another flat in another city, half dead notebook.

I participated in a public photo exhibition, anybody could present their work. Mine got not much attention but I expected it. The most admired photos by public were sunsets, HDR and nudes; or the best, all in one! Cliches, what to say. And the most admired photos by the organizators were artistic photoshopped multiexposures. I have to admit they were interesting and enjoyable, ...

In this era of economical collapse, we decided to take a loan and by a flat :S Hope everything will go right. I have a new PC so soon will start posting new pictures.

Have a nice day.

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