Monday, December 12, 2011

Status report - pre-xmas

So, long time not posting, blogging is out of focus these month. Moved to our new flat, doing reconstruction but if you do everything on your own, it takes just too long now. Still not finished in one room. And if it will be, i can start again with small changes. Bathroom maybe next year. Oh, and this morning our 4 year old nephew puked on the beautiful white wall :S

Quit my job, from january starting at a new place, keep fingers that it will be a good one and that i will perform well.

X-mas is coming, great, the holiday of BUY-BUY-BUY, the fiest of capitalism.

Probably will not post many news, maybe a review of my plans for this year, but I did not progressed as planned, things have changed.

Have fun, bye :)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Status report

Hi! Seems 2011 will be the least productive year of my blogging. There have been many factors affecting this: moving out from a flat, staying at a friends for a month, moving into another flat in another city, half dead notebook.

I participated in a public photo exhibition, anybody could present their work. Mine got not much attention but I expected it. The most admired photos by public were sunsets, HDR and nudes; or the best, all in one! Cliches, what to say. And the most admired photos by the organizators were artistic photoshopped multiexposures. I have to admit they were interesting and enjoyable, ...

In this era of economical collapse, we decided to take a loan and by a flat :S Hope everything will go right. I have a new PC so soon will start posting new pictures.

Have a nice day.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

c# .NET HttpWebRequest slow - Expect 100 continue!

Another tech stuff, at least as I am not posting lately. So, we were sending HTTP requestso the server and against a previous (3rd party) version it was extremely slow. Any browsing would suggest to change buffering, async mode or turning off proxy, but none helped.

When we changed POST to GET, this problem dismissed!
When we rewrote using sockets, the problem dismissed, but could not take the risk of an own implementation on a production system.

Profiling showed the bottleneck is this line:
HttpWebResponse r = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

the poll method. Finally the solution was
Expect 100 Continue
Never heard of? :) What a surprise, turn itt off and give it a try. For further explanation search the web for it.

System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;
request.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = false;

Good luck.