Friday, December 18, 2009

Kiforditott ruha

Atoltozeskor a pulovert es az alatta levo trikot egyutt veszem le, igy gyorsabban lehet legkozelebb felvenni. Nem is az a rohelyes, hogy igy csinalom, hanem hogy errol irok, de azert teszem mert tesom is ilyen, es o lany. Viszont ennel meg furcsabbak vagyunk, ezt figyeld. Reggel a pizsamat ugy veszem le, hogy elofordul kiforditodik. A legtobb ember visszaforditja vagy azonnal, vagy amikor ujra felveszi. Ilyen osszehajtom dolgot felejts el, az nem en vagyok. Namost en este nem forditom ki mielott felveszem, minek, reggel ha megint ugy sikerul levennem, pont jo lesz :D

Namost ezen paran mar csodalkoztak, harman vagyunk, nem beszeltunk ossze es csak nevetunk rajta. Egy mosolyt azert megert, nem?


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Back again?

More than a month passed without writing anything boring, but that's maybe right. Nobody's reading it anyway :)

I have been too busy by living my life, working and I started to bore people on facebook. It's just another way of advertising yourself, why? Not sure but I learned that I need to find out how to sell myself better.

The next time will post some pictures of Christmas fares from Vienna and Bratislava. Pictures from exhibition of Schiele, Munch, Goya, Ansel Adams just to mention few of the bigs. Happy holidays if we would not meet then. From saturday I'm planning to go home to my parents and stay there till 4th of January. The best that I will be without internet there, you should try it. Today it was snowing and it's freezing, if it will last for longer I would be able to skate on the lake, will see.
