Monday, August 24, 2009

Local village fest - pics

Her legs and the old lady

The arguae of old friendsThinking, don't disturbMore thinking, let's close...

Young couples
and the local devils

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Stockholm - day x - Just Animals

Wild squirrel in SkansenReindeer
Bear and her three kids
Surikataa feeding time, sad end of the chickens
Lemur (maki) of Madagascar, wanna go home :(

Stockholm - day x - People & Animals

The crow and the asian love pair
Reindeer in Skansen and their admirer
Baboons, bunny and the blondes
Crocodile and the little Red Riding Hood
Touching the snake and the spider
Gooses of Stockholm
Hiding in the shade

Thursday, August 20, 2009

MSXML append xml fragment as child

A C/C++ method used to append XML text to an MSXML node/element as child. The appendChild function can append only node/element objects. Sometimes it's easier or more convenient to create the XML with text concatenation than by building it using MSXML. And the code:

void appendXmlText(MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr elem, _bstr_t xmlText)
//only one root elem is allowed!
_bstr_t xmlFragment = "<fragment>" + xmlText + "</fragment>";

MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr _doc;
_doc->validateOnParse = false;
_doc->resolveExternals = false;

MSXML2::IXMLDOMElementPtr root = _doc->documentElement;
MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodeListPtr childs = root->childNodes;
long childCount = root->childNodes->length;
for (long i = 0; i < childCount; ++i)
MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr childNode = root->childNodes->item[i];
//VBOOL_TRUE is -1

Friday, August 7, 2009

What does Chrome stand for?

Google's browser Chrome has a funny meaning in Slovak/Czech. Any guess?

It means "LAME" :D

Don't you believe? Try to translate on your own, try here.

Stockholm - Day x - Soldiers & Guards

The other topic of Stockholm photos will be about soldiers and guards. Enjoy :)

Stockholm - Day x - Street performers

There are many pics of Stockholm I would like to share but would be pointless to publish them by days as there would be so many. There are better ways, like I'm going to try, publish by topics. Today street performers and musicians.