Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Is it good enough for me?

Few days ago (after long hesitation) I decided to create my own blog account. I didn't know what I'm going to write about, so I started with creating my blog and with checking the features offered by this site.

1, Why does it need google account? But let's ...

Then I tried to log in the second time and what a surprise: my blog disappeared! At login they write sth about this problem, but helped not. Seems it used my other email (not gmail) address and now the gmail one. Stupid again.

I wanted to change it, but couldn't find. The only email settings are connected with blogging, you set up an email adress, and by sending email there, it will be automatically published. Nice, let's give a try. I sent 2 mail's from different addresses, and both got published! It means anybody can write to my blog (knowing the email address)?!?!

Is this blog hosting site good enough?